Our Fully Digitized World Has Given Us A High Level of Convenience and RISK! You Need To Protect Yourself Against Identity Theft.                                 

Heres How:

1. Safeguard personal information

Keep your personal information safe, particularly your Social Insurance Number (SIN) and credit card and bank account numbers. Provide personal information only if you have initiated the contact and you’re absolutely sure with whom you are dealing. If you’re purchasing an item online, make sure that the site is secure. 

2. Protect your passwords

Use different passwords for your credit card, bank and telephone accounts. Don’t write them down or disclose them to anyone.

3. Be credit smart

Carry only the personal information and credit cards which you actually need. Carry your cards in RFID blocking sleeves.

4. Secure your mail

Shred or destroy credit card receipts, utility bills and any documents containing personal or account information, as well as pre-approved credit card applications you don’t want.

5. Ensure computer and internet security

Equip your computer with a “firewall,” which prevents outsiders from accessing the data on your computer. Deal only with reputable, established companies when using the Internet for credit card purchases or banking transactions. Look for digital signatures, data encryption and other technology that enhances user security.

6. Review your records regularly

Check your bank and credit card statements as soon as they arrive. Report any discrepancies immediately.

credit card in rfid sleeve2

© identityshields.com 2016